Since the first day of Rising Sun, campers have been working hard to pass off different levels in RANKS. This program is a way for us to incorporate skill development at camp. Camper's red manuals are used to track their progress in each RANK throughout the entire summer. During an average day here at Rising Sun, everyone has the option to move around camp and choose RANKS in which they want to learn more about. Some of our many RANKS include Creative Arts, Soccer, Basketball, Nutrition/Wellness, Performing Arts, Tennis, and Archery. Campers can visit however many activities a day in order to learn various skills. To pass off the six included levels in each RANK, campers must demonstrate certain knowledge and skills to our counselors. These levels of achievements help campers with growth as well as satisfaction from skills learned and developed through our RANKS program. In order to award our campers for all of their hard work, we decided to throw a cookout in their honor. Whoever had passed off the first level of ranks, named Alpha, could attend. I'm proud to say that 71 of our campers were eligible! Everyone had a great time showing off their RANK books and talking to their friends about everything they have learned. Of course...the yummy food was an added bonus! Remind your campers to keep working hard towards RANKING up, you never know when the next exclusive party will be!

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