Throughout the week campers and counselors have been going above and beyond to reach new goals, learn new things, and most importantly....have fun. After a mile run a few days ago, our Fitness rank kept up their heart rate by practicing their jumping skills. However, to spice things up, they tested out exactly what it would take to jump over a trashcan. One of our fitness counselors Jessica showed them how it was done. Joe, our Fitness chief, continued to teach our campers the importance of excercise by bringing in a workout video for everyone to follow along with. The kids loved seeing how high they could kick! Our CILTS (campers in leadership training) also went above and beyond the normal camp routine yesterday when a member of SPCA came to speak to them. SPCA, the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, is dedicated to creating a more humane comm

unity where every adoptable animal has a home. After learning more about this organization, the CILTS donated their time to make homemade dog toys for the animal group. Not only have the CILTS helped the community locally, but they have given a global helping hand as well. Multiple times this summer the CILTS, with their counselors Ryan and Deanna, have cut donated shoes to make them more suitable to send to areas of poverty in warmer climates. Thanks to the CILTS, people who can't usually afford shoes now have a chance to a better life. Last but not least, I'd like to give out a congratulations to Camp 3 for winning the spirit stick today. They have proved that a huddle can easily win this recognition more than just once a week thanks to spirit filled teamwork. Way to go guys!

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