I ran back into Camp 2 (3rd through 5th grade) around lunch time having another crazy day. Jason kept his promise with a nasty counselor challenge for all of the campers to enjoy. Each counselor participated in a hot potato game. For every round, counselors passed around a "yummy" item throughout the circle. Every time the music stopped, the lucky counselor holding the "treat" had to eat the food. Joseph started off the game by taking three huge spoonfuls of baby food, flavored beans and brown rice. It was organic and smelled DELISHIOUS! Next, Chelsea took two bites out of a hot

pepper. Her face was on fireee. Ashley was the lucky one, as she had to stuff three powdered donuts in her mouth at once. Last but not least, Joseph and Ryan shared a can of cat food. Might seem gross for the counselors, but more importantly at least the campers enjoyed it! From personal experience (or..trauma I should say) I'm glad my camera saved me from one of Jason's traditional food challenges. Maybe all of us counselors will get pay back.....one day. After a busy day Camp 2 let out some steam the best way they know how: DANCE PARTY!! No one has better dance moves than Camp 2. Check out these pictures from Camp 2's awesome day....and figure out why they are so TERRIFIC! And don't worry Camp 1 and 3 parents, I have blog posts coming your way!

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