I can speak for all of the counselors here at Rising Sun when I say that making a difference in a camper's life is one of our main goals throughout the summer. Sometimes it can be difficult to go beyond the normal daily routine to make a permanent impact on a child, but from my four years working at the Y, I can say with confidence each counselor in their own way tries to reach as many campers as possible. I was lucky enough to be a camper at Rising Sun since elementary school, and even that experience showed me how much of a significance counselors could have on a child's life. For me personally, I can think of a few specific counselors from my past that taught me life lessons that have forever changed me positively, and my life would not have been the same without them and camp. Now as this summer's personal paparazzi, it is my job to capture these moments that other counselors are making with children and share them with all of you parents. I'm so happy to say that yesterday I had a front row view of our two amazing counselors Jared and Leslie working together to help make a difference in a child's life, and luckily I had my camera. This particular camper's mother emailed me in hopes that I could get some counselors together to help her

son defeat his fear of the pool. Our Camp 1 head counselor Leslie tackled this challenge and began talking with the camper to try to help him gain some courage to at least put his feet in the water. Through communicating with Jared, our pool chief counselor, they worked together to get this boy to the pool. They convinced him to put on a floaty, just in case he decided to go deeper into the water. However, with Leslie and Jared's enthusiastic encouragement, the camper decided to glide into the pool only after a minute or so of standing on the steps. He then swam all the way across the pool with Jared, having a blast every second of the way! His smile reminded me of why my colleagues and I work at the Y, and made it even more evident that it is possible to make differences in campers lives here this summer.

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