Everyone was sporting green this morning to represent all the cool things we have been learning this week about helping our environment. Plenty of campers took a creative spin on this week's Wacky Wednesday theme. I saw some green fairies, recycle boys, green ninjas, and even a green animal trainer. My personal favorite was a camper's sign reading, "homework kills trees and that's not recycling". Hey...he makes a good point. After our entertaining costume contest, I'm sad to say that Ken was unfortunately stolen by the liter bugs. They threatened to throw him away. Everyone was upset not only because we don't want to say bye to Ken, but also because he's plastic....and he needs to be recycled! They even took Police Officer Barbie! I will keep you updated on our search for Ken this week. Along with this, Mauis and Camp Three were bringing it this morning with some amazing cheers. After a long battle, Camp Three won the spirit stick. High fives for recycling!
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