Good morning! Today is an absolutely amazing day. Not only is it MONDAY of WEEK 5, but it's also my first day back after a week-long vacation, and I have seriously missed my home sweet home at Camp Rising Sun. The campers and counseors here really do feel like family, so being apart from them is no good at all! Fortunately, my big brother (Michael Warren) also works here, so he knows the feeling and was happy to bring some camp into our vacation with traditional camp blessings before every meal ("Pika, Pika, Pikachu, thank you God for giving us food. Amen, dig in, have fun, let's eat, before we sleep, and brush our teeth!"). We love Camp Rising Sun!
Our campers are very responsible though and are drinking lots and lots of water!
In Hockey Rank, campers took slapshots, passed the puck back and forth, and practiced being goalies. These girls had time between stations for a quick photo op! To test their knowledge, campers completed puzzles and labeled diagrams. They are learning a lot! Maybe we will have some rank ups this week?!
It's been a busy day, and I can't wait to come back with more updates! Just as a reminder, this week is SPIRIT WEEK! Today is "Favorite Sports Team Day". The rest of the dress-up themes are as follows:
Tuesday: Pajama Day
Wednesday: Wacky Tacky Day
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Camp Colors Day
(Camp 1 - Rising K-2nd grade - Red/Pink)
(Camp 2 - Rising 3-5th grade - Green)
(Camp 3 - Rising 6-8th grade - Orange)
(CILTs - Rising 9-10th grade - Blue)
To celebrate this week, we'll be holding our first annual Homecoming this Thursday (7/12) at 7pm at the Cary Family YMCA! You can help us by sending in your own yearbook photo from the age of your camper (ex: if your camper is a "FuManchu" - Rising K - send in your kindergarten yearbook photo!) We will take paper copies or emailed copies at Please label your picture with your name, your camper's name, and your camper's huddle. Thanks!
Again, I'm STOKED to be back and am so excited to see what the rest of the week holds for us. I hope you have a super Monday!
Rising Sun Love,
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