All summer long, you've been able to see Camp Rising Sun through my eyes. But have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for your camper? Well, here's your chance to find out! Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting a different "Day in the Life" entry, as told by one camper from each huddle. These entries will show different parts of the day from the perspective of the kids. Today, we'll start with a camper from our youngest huddle, the FuManchus!
This camper quickly learned how to use the camera and captured her own journey through Morning Ranks. So here it is - a day in the life of a FuManchu:
This camper said the first place she would go would be Backyard Games down in the Woods! She told me it was important that she took a picture of the trees to show where she was.
Here is a picture of this camper's friend and Camp 3 counselor Ashley. Even though Ashley mainly works with our middle schoolers, all of our campers love her!
After spending some time in the Woods (we took a quick break to play some tetherball!), the new photographer decided it was time to go to Fossil Hunt on the Sand Volleyball Court. Here are some shots from our journey, as seen by the FuManchu.
First, we had to travel up the "Miley Cyrus" ("It's the cliiiiiiiiimb!)...
...then we passed the Tennis Courts...
...and we took a glance at a friend's shark teeth...
...and finally we made it to Fossil Hunt!
Eventually, however, Quick Check was called. During this time, all of the campers have to get inside to their respective areas as quickly as possible so that we can make sure all of our kids are safe! On her run up to the Poole Room (where Camp 1 meets for Quick Check), she snapped this final picture of Joe who was wrapping up a session of Target Sports.
Once she made it to the Poole Room, she just had to take one more picture of her FuManchu friends! All in all, this little one had a very busy morning and is very pleased that she was able to share it with all of you!
Check back for more updates on this terrific Tuesday at Camp Rising Sun! Who knows... maybe YOUR camper will be our next representative for "A Day in the Life..."!
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