First, we'll visit the Poole Room. This is where all the fun really begins every single day with morning assembly. Camp One (rising K-2nd grade) keeps their backpacks in here and also eats lunch and snack in here!
Here is the Shark Tank - one of our busiest rooms in the whole building. Campers (and parents too!) are always so shocked to hear that there actually aren't any sharks in there! We use this gym for basketball, soccer, and more!
This chilly room is Alaska. In this picture, the FuManchus and the CILTS (Campers in Leadership Training) are holding Kindergarten Rank - an activitiy designed specifically for our youngest huddle to learn skills that will hep them in kindergarten. Camp Three (rising 6-8) hang out in here during lunch time.
This field is Central Park, and while it's definitely NOT New York, it is always super busy! Campers can be found playing different field games here, like lacrosse.
This sidewalk (that runs by "Side Hill") is called J.J. Reddick. Our Operations Coordinator Michael Warren named this long stretch after a basketball player because he's a "long-range shooter". Campers can talk to their favorite counselors and check out which Ranks are being offered at this hot spot!At the end of J.J. Reddick, you can find one of our newest spots: Panama Canal. This is another spot where campers can chat with counselors before heading down the stairs to the lower half of our camp.
These campers are taking a break at Front Porch, located at the entrance to the Woods. Sometimes, counselors and campers can be seen singing songs and playing the guitar down here - it's such a fun gathering spot!
The woods are also a very popular spot at camp. This is where we have Backyard Games, like Gaga Ball and tetherball. Sometimes, campers will also get to play Capture the Flag - one of my personal favorites!
Hawaii used to just be a wide open field at lower camp. However, in the past few years, it has transformed to an area with tons of activities including Target Sports and Soccer Rank. It may be hot, but that doesn't stop campers from spending their days down in Hawaii!
I hope this mini-tour gives you a better sense of camp and maybe makes your campers' new dialect make a little more sense! Our next lesson? Camp cheers!!!
Also, just a quick reminder: Tomorrow is WACKY WEDNESDAY! I can't wait to see all the pirate costumes roaming around Camp Rising Sun! As always, I appreciate any comments, questions, or suggestions ( Have a fantastic night!
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